etc.. bowers of various creepers and various types.
In those bowers there are numerous seats of different shapes, and slabs of smooth stones having excellent shapes. There, multitudes of residential gods and goddesses, relax, play and enjoy the fruits of glorious and meritorious deeds, they have accomplished in the past incarnation. . 32 खुड्डाखुड्डिया (क्षुद्राक्षुद्रिका ) small; very small. वावी (वापी) well. पुक्खरिणी (पुष्करिणी ) lotus-pool; lake. दीहिया ( दीर्घिका ) oblong well; straight river. गुंजालिया (गुञ्जालिका) zig zag river. बिलपंति (बिलपंक्ति; here बिल-कुप) well arranged series of small wells. कूल-a shore. तीर-bank. तल-surface. सुओयारसुउत्तार ( सुखावतार+सुखोत्तार) comfortable to enter and very easy to come out. facer (तीर्थ) ford; passage; a descent into river. संछन्न (संछन्न) covered. आसवायग (आसवादक) the water resembling spiritual liquor. खीरोयग (क्षीरोदक)
milky water. खारोयग (क्षार+उदक) saltish water. घओयग (घृतोदक) water appearing like Ghee. खोरोयग (क्षोद-इक्षुरस) the water like the sugar cane juice. उयगरस (उदकरस) natural water. उप्पायपव्यय (उत्पातपर्वत) name of a mountair where couples of divine beings of Vyantara class come and formulate vorious bodily figures to play. नियइप० the name of a mountain situated in Süriyabha forest. जगरप० a mountain in Suri