jewels and gems were jutting out from the main building, whose bars were of precious stones, the cross bars that of gems known as "Lohit" and the storey prepared out of silver. पक्ख (पक्ष) the roof of a house. वंसकोलुया ( वंश+कवेलुका) bamboos slantingly placed on two sides of a roof; is also spelt as कवेलूय. पट्टिया ( पट्टिका) a wooden board; strip. ओहाडणी ( अवघटनी) a mat made of thin strips of wood knit together. उवरिपुंछणी ( उपरिपुंछिनी ) a strong covering (made of straws) upon a mattress ceiling. the upper part of a gate; peak. संखतलविमल etc. - (शंख तल विमल निर्मल+दधिधन+गोक्षीरफेन + रजतनिकर+प्रकाश) whose lustre was as pure and white as that of the upper part of conch, the heaps of curds, the foam of the milk of cow, and mass of silver. farar ( तिलकरत्न+अर्धचंद्र + चित्रा ) painted with various figures such as:-Mark on the forehead and half moon.
तिलगरयणद्धचंदwhich was
soft; greasy; glossy.
or spread.
सह ( श्लक्ष्ण) (a) stretched
(28) Summary-The description of the very abode
is continued here. On those both the seats of the two sides of the doors there are series of sixteen sandal pitchers, sixteen tusks of elephants containing