to be formed even by persons of high intellect. The walls, the ceiling, the roofs, the mats over the roofs, coverings over the mats, and various decorations are put forth. For the formation of every part nothing but variegated jewels are used.
(27) 9 ( 9TA ) Expounded; propounded. atxaca (zraaffar ) having gone; having proceeded. Gerund of faca4. FEFACT ( Bistrica) Saudharma heaven. It is the first of the twelve heavens according to Shwetambar Jains and the first of the sixteen heavens according to Digambar Jains. पाईणपडीणआयत-the length (आयत) [ beginning ] from east to west ( Trentara atata ). gaturanfgutfaragon-the breadth (faraitor ) [extending ] to north and south. HETO ( Fra ) form; specimen. अश्चिमालिभासरासिवण्णाभे dazzling with ( a t ), the lustre (HTEETTIT), of the othosands of rays [of the sun] (sferat ). office (oft819) circumference. EFT (3778 ) the celestial abode having the configuration of a crown. It is an affix applied to aerial abodes of divine beings e. g. rataftar Acourafwa, PT (mango tree) ao etc. fartü (fast) in slanting or oblique direction. अद्धत्तेरस ( अर्धत्रयोदश ) twelve and a half. गुणयालीस ( एकोनचत्वारिंशत् ) thirty nine. अडयाल (अष्टचत्वारिंशत् ) forty-eight. वि. RAH ( CFTA) Breadth; extension. N a