सुसरघंटा (सुस्वरघंटा) bell giving out agreeable and gingling sound. उग्घोसेमाणे (उद् + घोषणां कुर्वन्) pro.claiming उल्लालेमागे (उल्लालयन् ) beating ( Present participle.) नाइयरवेण (नादितरवेन) with the echo of the sound which is continued after the ringing of the bell; with din and cry. अकालपरिहीणं without delay. पाउब्भवह (प्रादुर्भवत) arrive; come; be present; Imperative second person plural of पाउदभव ( प्रादु+भू ). पासार्याचमाणणिक खुडावडियघंटापडि सुयासय सहस्ससंकुले - (विमानप्रासादनिष्कुटापतितघण्टाप्रति श्रुताशतसहस्त्र संकुल :) filled with hundreds, and thousands of echoes of the sound of the bells, which were falling on the mansions, and pleasure hills of Suhamma heaven. forge A certain mountain.' एगंतरइपसत्तनिच्चप्पमत्तविसयसुहमुच्छिय-. [एकांतरतिप्रसकनित्यप्रमत्तविषय सुखमूच्छित]. deeply addicted to the pleasures of the senses, attached to sexual intercourse at solitary places and thereby who are for ever wanton. at sound; noise. घोसणा उहल दिनकृष्ण गग्गचित्तउवउत्तमाणसाणं- ( घोषणकुतूहलदत्तकर्ण+ एकाग्रचित्त + उपयुक्तमानसानां) those whose minds are attached, hearts are concentrated, and ears directed, due to the curiosity that had arisen by the proclamation. निसंत (निशान्त) quiet पसंत ( प्रशान्त) tranquil; absolute silence. हिय हत्थे ( हितार्थ सुखार्थच) for the happiness and benefit.