( निहतरजः) dust was subsided. मट्ठ ( नष्ट ) vanished.. भट्ट (भृष्ट ) removed. उवसंत ( उपशान्त) pacified. पसंत (प्रशांत ) calmed down. जलथलयभासुरपभूयं ( जलज+स्थलज+भास्वर + प्रभूतं ) abundant (प्रभूत) and lustrous ( भास्वर ) [ flowers ] growing on water ( जलज) and soil ( स्थलज). बिटट्ठाइ ( वृन्तस्थायिन् ) with stems. जाणुस्सेहपमाणमित्तं (जानू त्सेधप्रमाणमात्र) to the height (उत्सेध) of knees. ओहिं (ओघेन ) by heaps, mass, multitude. कालागुरुपवरकुंदुरुक्क तुरुक्क धूवमघमघंत. गंधुद्धयाभिराम [कालागुरु+पवर कुंदुरुक्क+तुरुक्क+धूप + मथमघायमान + गम् + उद्भुत + अभिराम (i.e. रमणीय ) ], charming (अभिराम) due to the spreading (उडुत) of fragrance emitting (मघमघायमान) from the excellent types of तुरूक, कुंदुरुक्क (incense), and black agallochum. (कालागुरू). गंधवट्टिभूयं (गन्धवर्तिभूर्त -गंधगुटिकाकार) as if becoming a pill of fragrance; fragrance incarnation. जोग (योग्य) befitting; suitable; appropriate खिप्पामेव (क्षिप्रमेव) immediately; quickly. आणसिया (आज्ञतिका) order. पञ्चष्पिण (प्रत्यर्पय) to return to; to convey back; to report.
(8) Summary-With greatest pleasure those servile celestial beings accepted the order of Suriyabha god. They by super-natural gift known as Vaikriyikruddhi (emanation of soul particles from the body at the creation of a fluid from) changed their forms and with incomparable celestial gait proceeded to Lord Mahavira. After reaching there they paid homage,