stoned pedestal ( the rest is same as is in case of the temple...... [upto ].....the eastern. Nandā lotus-pond ). Then he came to the place where there was the decoration-hall; having done so ( everything is to be reproduced word to word about the anointing-hall ). Thereafter he went to the place where there was the business chamber; having done so, he took the mop of peacock feathers as usual, wiped the scriptural volume by the broom (mop of peacock feathers); having done so, he sprinkled a continuous line of divine water, worshipped with the excellent and choicest perfumes and wreaths; having done SO........ precious stoned pedestal, and throne........ [ the rest is same....(upto)....the eastern Nandā lotus-pond ). Afterwards he went to the part where there was the lake; having gone there ( he acted ) in the same way with the arch, three-fold staircase, puppets, and small statues. Then he approached to the part where there was the place for offering oblation; having done so, he offered oblations and sent for the servile gods. Having called them lie spoke thus “ Oh beloved of the gods ! immediately perform worship in Sūriyābha abode, open spaces, where three roads meet, where four roads meet, sque