A eastern door; having done so, he proceeded to the place where there was Manvag sacred pillar and (where there was) adamantine, circular and round box; having done so, he picked the mop of peacock feathers, having done so, he wiped that adamantine, circular, and round box by the mop of peacock feathers, having done so, he opened that adamantine, circular, and round box, having done so, he cleaned the bones of the thighs of the prophets, by the broom (mop of peacock feathers ); having done so, he washed them with highly scented water; having done so, he worshipped them with excellent and choicest perfumes, wreaths, and offered incense; having done so, he replaced those bones of the thighs in those adamantine, circular, and round boxes, wiped that Manvag sacred pillar by the mop of peacock feathers, washed with a continuous line of divine water, plastered it by the layers of juicy Gosis sandal, and offered flowers [ upto ] incense. Thereafter he approached to the place where there was the throne...(the same). where there was the celestial bed... (tde same)... and where there was the small Mahinda banner ..........(the same). Then he approached to the