away by breath; having done so, he put on the necklace of eighteen strings, having done so, he wore the necklace of nine strings; having done so, he decked himself with a necklace of various gems (of one string); having done so, he wore a pearl-necklace; having done so, in the same way he put on ornaments of the hands, ornaments worn on arms, bangles, armlets, ornamental belt for the waist, a particular type of ring, an ornamental string for the waist, Murvi ( a kind of ornament ), a long rosary to be worn in the neck, ear-rings, diadem, and crown; having done so, he decked and beautified himself by the four types of wreaths such as Ganthim, Vedhim, Pūrim, and Sanghāim like the wish grantitg tree (Kapparukkha -); having done so, he besmeared his limbs with the fragrant Daddar sandal of Malaya mountain, and put on divine garland of flowers.
(43) Then that Sūriyābha god when beauti. fied himself with four types of ornaments (such as ) the ornaments of hair, wreaths as ornaments, decorative ornaments, garments as ornamen ts, and when the whole decoration work