impermanent from the modificatory point of view, i. e. modifications pertaining to its colour, smell, taste, and contact: Oh Goyama ! for this reason it is stated that the Paumvarveiyā is chang'eless, as well as changeable.':
“Oh revered Sir ! how long that Paumva- . rveiyā will exist ?". :
“Oh Göyama ! neither it was in non-existence, nor it is in negativeness, nor there will be its extinction. It was in actual existance, it is in sober reality, and it will be a matter of positiveness. It has continuous sameness of existence, it is destined (steady), without decay, without exhaustion, and (is) eternal.” The diameter of that forestgrove „is something less than twɔ Yojanas, the circumference is the same as that of the square at the entrance, the description of that forestgrove is to be inserted here [ upto ] the gods and goddesses, wander and recline. It is stated that on the four sides of that square kept at the entrance, there are thres ,excellent staircases (its description [ upto ] arches; flags, and umbrellas over umbrellas is to be understood). It is expounded that the extřemely,