the twentieth type of divine drama presenting various leaves such as Ashok leaf, leaf of a Mango tree, leaf of a Jambu tree, and a leaf of Kosamba tree. Thereafter they brought forth the twenty-first divine drama, where scenes of creepers viz. the lotus creeper [upto] Sām creeper were manifested. Then they exhibited the twenty-second divine drama known as 'Duya'. Thereafter they staged the twenty-third type of divine drama which is known by the name “Vilambiya'. Then they revealed the twenty-fourth type of drama: named “Duyavilambiya'. The names of twentyfifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twentyeighth, twenty-ninth, and'thirtieth, are ‘Anchiya',. 'Ribhiya','Achiya-Ribhiya', · Ārbhada', 'Bhasola', and' Ārbhada-Bhasola' respy. Thereafter they presented thirty-first type of divine drama where gestures of ascending, descending, contracting, extending, walking, going, illusion and confusion, were produced. Those multitudes of divine youths. and damsels simultaneously erected Samosaran [uplo] it was divine and pleasing to celestial beings. Then those celestial lads and lasses set forth the thirty-second type of drama where scenes pertaining to the blessed ascetic Lord