(Ans.) “Their music was of three föld nature at three different times e. g. starting from their chests with slow voice, reaching to its high' pitch when coming to head and again attaining sweetness' while reaching to the throat. The music of the dancers was like the humming noise contained in the cave which is favourable to singing, sing in tune, clear at three places (viz. chest, thrcat and head) and was harmonious with the tune of the lute and the fute, and the steps were in tuue with the sweet and husky (or grunting ) munner of singing (and was), pleasing to the mind, harmonious, graceful, charming, giving delight to the mind, melodious even in the end and exceedingly charming in its form.
(Q.) How was it ?
(Ans.) (When sweet and pleasing music . was going on ) the gods who were blowers
of conches, small conches, bugles, horns, big horns, and bamboo flutes which give out the sound “Piri-Piri' began to blow these instruments; those who were beaters of small drums, and war drums began to beat them; 'Bhambhas' and 'Horambhas' ( kinds of drums) were being struck; kettle drums, cym