The heavenly resident could understand thật vayarsen must have disregarded his worning and gone to the trees. He must have smelled its flower and must have thereby become a donkey. He pitied him and made him smell the flower of another tree. As soon as he smelled that other flower, he regained his original form as vayersen. When vayarsen.asked him the secret, the heavenly resident said :
“Both these trees are divine trees, flowers are never withered. By smelling the flower of one of the trees, a man returns to his original form.”
vayarsen desired to have both the flowers. The heavenly resident gave him both the flowers. Thereafter the heavenly resident carried vayarsen in his air-plane to Kanchanpur.
vayarsen straightaway went to the house of the prostitute. On seeing vayarsen the protitute stood aghast with staring eyes. Thc throbbing of her heart increased considerably.. She started thinking : .