gave that
food to him.
As a result Vayarsen vomitted. The mangoseed came out from his stomach along with the vomit.
The prostitute washed and cleaned that mongo-seed which had come out with the vomit. She then swallowed it. To what silly length a person goes for obtaining wealth? He is not pained by doing an action however nouseating it may be. It is as if he is to go to heaven with that wealth! But the divine power of that mango-seed had been lost along with the vomit of Vayarsen. The prostitute did not get any benefit. The gold mohurs also thereafter did not come out from the mouth of Vayarsen.
The prostitute then thought: "Of what need is this useless man now to me?" She therefore drove him away from
her house.
Vayarsen who was driven out by the prostitute began to wander here and there.