tions for the coming of the evening. Before going to their nests for rest, the: birds were making sounds like ti-ti, tour -tour, aun-aun, chin-chin, etc. There was a message of joy in such twittering of birds. There was a music of songs in their twittering. Birds know only how to sing. Weeping and smiling both are: written in the fate of men only. How nice it would be if man were to remain drowned in peace and joy ?
Amarsen and Vayarsen stopped a. little on their way. Amar said to Vayar :: .: “Let us now take shelter here under this tree. In a short time it will be sunset.” Vayar said : "Yes, brother, the rays. appears to be still there. But the sunshine of the evening becomes invisible within no time. It takes no time in disappearing like wealth which is trausitory. What was our own position till yesterday and what are we to day ? Difficulties have surrounded us on all sides. It is only a beginning. Who knows as to far how long a time: