The decree of fate of the Goddess of Fate turned out to be true. What was destined to happen did happen. Champak became the sole heir and owner of the entire properties of Vrudhdhdatt. Ninetysix crores. of gold mohurs were now his only.
Champak brought his old moiher from Ujjaini. He also called for fourteen crores of gold mohurs which were of his. own earning.
Now he had become Sheth Champak instead of Champak. He now spread his business. Champak Sheth became the leader of the business community in Champanagari. Champak Sheth earned tremendous wealth in business. He credited ninety-six crorses of gold mohurs in his treasury; he invested ninety-six crores of gold mohurs in his business, and he gave a loan of ninety-six crores of goldmohurs to other businessmen.