prince Ratnadatt ? Where shall I find Chandravati ?!
All the queens also became very sorry. As soon as prince Ratnadatt got down from the Pavanvegi shecamel, Snake Takshak bit him. Now what can be done ? All the people started to cure the prince. Great snake- charmers and clever doctors made strong efforts to cure the Prince. No one however Could remove the poison. At last when they were tired, they advised the king as follows :
“Maharaj ! Those who know say that a person who is bitten by a snake does. not die for six months. He only remains unconscious. If he is kept under water, bis poison goes away. Therefore put him in a closed wooden box and put the box. in the Ganges.”
King Chandrasena did accordingly. A wooden box was prepared in such a way that water would not enter it, it