son of his king. Gods and Fate are afraid of the person in whom these six things are present, namely, industry, boldness, patience, strength, intelligence and velour. Fate may Or may be changed but one must make efforts. If success is not obtained in spite of efforts, nobody can be held to be at fault. Now you listen to the example of the minister called Subudhdhi :
"There ruled in the clity of Mathura an eminent king named Haribala. The name of the minister of king Haribala was Subudhdhi. In conformity with his name. Subudhdhi was like Bruhaspati, the preceptor of gods, an 'Ocean of intellect.'
As circumstances would have it, a son was born each to the wives of king Haribala and minister Subudhdhi on the same day and at the same time. The king's son was named Haridatt. The minister's son was named Matisagar. On the