intense desire or by thinking. Only what. is written in fate happens. Sheth Vrudhdhdatt and Shethani Kautukvati were attaining. adulthood, but no child was born to them.
One day Sheth Vrudhdhdatt was lying down in his bed-room. He was not getting sleep due to anxiety for the future. The Sheth was thinking : “The prices of which commodities will go up and of which commodities will go down to-morrow ? What should be bought and what should be sold tomorrow ? How many are wanting in fifty seven crores ?" Vrudhdhdatt was involved in the cycle of such and other thoughts. While so involved in thoughts, he got sleep. During the last quarter of the night the Family Goddess. of Sheth Vrudhdhdatt told him in dream as follows :
“Oh Sheth ! Thy wealth will be enjoyed by some other stranger. The wealth of a miser and the honey of bees are enjoyed by othere only.”