the cold water of forgiveness of Müni's heart. Sense of non-violence and love was pervaded in each and every nerve of his. The shades of faith unto one's soul, peace and forgiveness danced over his face, There was no question of mental attachment for him. He was, on the contrary, thinking that his karmas are being destroyed. Great Muni Samaraditya was lost in the ocean of peace and love.
At that time the light worth thousand suns pervaded the whole sky. The gods began to blow trumpets. The sleep of the citizens of Ujjainee was disturbed. The croued of men and woman began to run towards the garden. The king Munichandra also reached there along with the officers and ministers.
Muni Samaraditya get the highest knowledge of liberation (Keval Gnan). That is why the gods and goddesses were dancing with joy. The fire get cold autem Den 4 kolu