Purushsinh and queen Sunderdervi took to life of renunciation In honour of the renunciation of household life of all these five divine souls, the city was decorated like a newly-married wife. Purushsnh had no other son. So he enthroned his sister's son Munichandra. King Munichandra took the reigns of Sjjainee in his hands.
Muni Samaraditya was one of the chief disciples of Guru Prabhasacharya. The teacher awarded to him the degree of 'Vachak'. Now Samariditya was known as 'Vachak Samaraditya.'
The recluse and the sage only achieves 'good' for them-selves but they also intend to do good to the people of worldy life. For ages, these recluses and saints have been doing these things only: to bring home to a man the infinite powers he possesses, to uproot the weeds of false pride of the rulers and of those persons. who are proud of their castes of clans,