Telling this much he returned to the city by the chariot. His mind was now fixed on how to get victory ovey old age, death and miseries ? He wanted to get through this difficulty any how. He began to search for ways of escaping from disease, old age and death.
King Purushsinh came to know all these mental workings of the Prince. But he consoled himself with the idea that the prince is still a Child. He has not tasted, so far, the juice of worldly life. So he increased the means of comfort and pleasure for the Prince, Happy-golucky friends were asked to give company to the prince. He also thought now of getting him married.
The brother-in-law of the king was Khadagsinh, who had two daughtersVibhramyati and Kamlata. Both were the treasures of beauty and virtues. They had seen Samaraditya once. Naturally they