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right have I to thwark their mutual love ? Dhanshree became my wife because of some relation of previous birth. It does not mean that she should obey all my orders. If their relation is a bad conduct I have no right to punish them. When I will be free from sins and devoid. of desires, all my miseries will vanish.”
Now he decided to shift from here to some other island. The ship sailed forth. It was a journey of many days Dhanshree took a chance to mixpoison with food. She served this food to Dhandev. He became so ill that he could. not sit or stand up. Nandak was thinking that at this rate, he will die by the time they reached the shore. But Dhanshree was all the while worrying. If Dhandev survived, stre would be exposed. So she conspired with Nandak that her husband. should be thrown into the sea.
One night, when all sailors were