Description and Chronology of Caves Sculptures
1. Kshetrapala: 0.45m by 0.32m.
The slab is covered with vermilion, but the posture and some of the attributes help to identify it as Bhairava. The four-armed figure is in tribhanga. The objects in the lower hands are not clear. In upper right hand is held an ankuśa, while in the upper left hand is held a small staff. To his left is an animal, perhaps a dog. No other details are clear.
2.to 5. Three seated Jinas in vertical row: Upper Jina: 0.32m by 0.28m. Central Jina: 0.28m by 0.26m. Lower Jina: 0.36m by 0.25m.
These Jina figures are similar to the aforementioned Jina figures.
6. Panchatirthikā: 1.58m by 0.9m.
It consists of a large figure of seated Jina with two seated Jinas above him and two below him. The main figure Jina measures 0.55m by 0.56m. Each of the other Jinas measures 0.29m by 0.26m. The main Jina is seated in padmasana on a cushion. He is placed within a niche, which is formed by the pilasters and an arch. The pilasters have shrine like capitals while in the centre of the arch also is a shrine like niche. Flanking this niche is an elephant, heading towards the Jina. The other features of the main Jina and the other Jina figures are similar to the aforementioned Jina figures.
7. Seated Parsvanātha: 1.35m by 0.6m.
The Jina figure measures 0.45m by 0.43m. It is similar to the aforementioned Jina figure. Here above the head is a nine-hooded snake. Below this figure are two seated figures of Jinas. Each of these figures measures 0.3m by 0.28m.
8.and 9. Three seated Jinas in vertical row: Upper Jina: 0.34m by 0.3m. Central Jina: 0.32m by 0.29m. Lower Jina: 0.3m by 0.22m.
10. A seated Jina and a standing monk in vertical row: Seated Jina: 0.3m by 0.3m. Standing monk: 0.67m by 0.28m. The figure of monk is as other figures.
11 and 12. Seated Jina: 0.32m by 0.31m.
13. Seated Parsvanātha: 1.05m by 0.63m.
The Jina figure measures 0.53m by 0.5m. He is seated on a cushion. Above the head is a nine-hooded snake.
14. Seated Jina: 1.27m by 1.44m.
The Jina figure measures 0.7m by 0.67m. He is flanked by a standing figure of monk, 0.49m by 0.27m.
15. Tritirthikā: 1.43m by 1.45m.