and told them: "Sthaviras, I have been proclaimi ng myself Jina without being one. I am a killer of sramanas and was hostile to my Acarya. Only Sramana Bhagawan Mahavira is true Jina. Therefore, after my death, tie a cord to my left leg, spit on my face thrice, and drag my body through the royal highways of Srāvasti announcing: "Gośālaka is not Jina. Mahavira al one is Jina." He put the Sthav iras on oath for doing so.
Gośālaka's death
"Gosālaka died. The Sthaviras closed the doors of the pottery mart. In its compound, they drew up a map of Srāvasti. Everything was done according to Gos ala ka's wishes. They spat on his face thrice, and, in a low tone, said: "Gośāla ka is not Jina. Only Sramana Bhagawan Mahāvira is Jina. " The Sthaviras had fulfilled their promise. Now, according to the earlier instructions of Gosa - la ka, they worshipped his corpse and performed the last ri tes with respect and pomp and ceremony."
Gautama Swāmi one day asked Bhagawan Mahavira: "Bhagawān, what has been the fate of Sarvā nu bhuti Anagara who was burnt up by Gośálaka?" 'Bha gawan' Mahavira said: "Guatama, Sa rvānubhūti Anagara has been born as a Deva in the life-span of eighteen Sagaropamas in Sahasrara Kalpa (eighth heaven). After leaving it, he will take birth in the region of Maha videha (in Jambudwipa) and attain freedom from birth and death, knowledge and salvation. Similarly, Sunaksatra Anagara has taken birth as a Deva in Acyuta Kalpa (twelfth heaven) with a life-span of twentytwo Sāgaropamas. From there he will also be born in Maha - videha and become liberated after exhausting all his Karmas.
Gautama Swāmi asked again: "Bhagawan, where is your unworthy disciple, Gosāla ka, born after death"?
Replied Bhagawan Maha vira: "He is born as a Deva in 'Acyuta Kalpa with the life-span of twentytwo Sagaropamas. From there, he will go round many a world. In the last, he shall attain SamyakDristi. Right Perception of the Reality. When he will be a Muni of strong will and vows, he will become Kevali and thus end all his miseries (4)."