before it was too late, So he reached his camp. But since Buddha was tired, Ananda would not admit him in the presence of the master. Subhadra insisted again and again. This reached the Buddha's ear. So he asked Ananda to let him in. He asked if all the spiritual leaders of the age were correct in their stand, or not correct, or some were correct and others not. Said, Buddha, "Liet us drop this and let me present my own stand". And then he spoke at length.
Source: Digha Nikāya, Mahāparinivvana
Sutta, 2-3
As per this, Mahavira was alive at the time of Buddha's death, which is not correct.
26. Seven spiritual leaders at Rājagrha
This is a account given by Sakula Udãyi to Gautama Buddha of the simultaneous presence of seven spiritual leaders at Rājagrha. during one monsoon and about the nois y debates in'each camp as to which leader was really great. Some extolled Pūraņa Kās'yapa, some Gosālaka, some Nigantha Nataputta and so on. Some, Udayi reported, came out with the superiority of Sramana Gautama.
Source: Majjhima Nikaya,Mahāsabuladai 2-3-7
The account highlights the simultaneous presence of the seven spiritual leaders at Rājag rha during one monsoon.
27. Nigantha Uposatha
Once when Buddha was camped at Srāvasti, Visakhā, the mother of Mrgāra, came to him pretty early in the morning. When Buddha asked about the purpose of her visit, she said that she had undergone uposatha (a vow with fast) and hence she had come on a visit. Buddha spoke at length about three types of upo satha. The first