Sreşthi Mrgāra's men hurried back and gave the good news to him, adding in the end,
"Visakhā. daughter of Sresthi Dhananjaya, who lives,at Saketa, will make a good bride for our boy".
gāra became highly pleased to hear this. He felt honoured to think that he would be able to establish a connection with such a noble family. At once, he scribbled a letter addressed to Dhananjaya which was as follows:
"I am starting to receive your daughter as bride for my son. Please make necessary preparations".
Dhananjaya sent the following reply,
"There will be no difficulty at this end. You go ahead with your own preparations".
Sreșthi Mpgāra came to the King of Kośala and submitted,
"Your Majesty! I have a wedding at my house. Sreşthi Dhananjaya will settle his daughter Visākahā in marriage with my son Purna yardhana, So please permit me to go to Saketa".
In giving his permission, the king said,
"Do you invite me also to go with the party"?
Mrgara - "Your Majesty! I would deem it to be a great good-luck for me".
The King - "I shall also go. Dhananjaya of very noble descent will be happy to receive me".
King Prasenajit came to Säketa in the big marriage party of Sreşthi Mrgāra. Dhananjaya welcomed the two great guests, the king and the sreşthi; with great warmth. Suitable arrangements were made for their stay and enormous supplies of garlands, perfumes, robes, etc., were