8. Foremost among those who had a pleasant dis
position was Kätyāyani, mother of Sopakuţikanna. She was a Vais ya from Kuraraghara in Avanti.
9. Foremost among the faithful was the mother of
Nakula, a housewife who belonged to Samsumaragiri in Vagga.
10. Foremost among the self-delighted was Kāli who
was born in a noble family at Rajagrha in Magadha and who was married at Kuraraghara in Avanti,
Some of the above followers, male as well as female have just been mentioned, while others have received a more detailed attention. Of these, Tapassuka and Bhalluka. made the offer of modaka and do dhi to the Buddha after his Enlightenment and were the first to take refuge with him. Both of them were travelling merchants, and both met the Buddha by sheer accident.
Householder Citra was an ideal follower of the Buddha and he was a discussing follower. He held discussions even with Nigantha Nataputta (Mahavira). Once he differed from a monk named Sudhamma. When Sudhamma appealed to the Buddha for arbitration, the latter said,
"Sudhamma ! You are at fault. You seek forgiveness from Citra".
This account bears resemblance with the one in which Mahavira said something very similar to Indrabhūti Gautama about Ananda (a lay follower).
When the final moments for householder Citra on this earth were drawing near, gods approached him with a request to be their Indra. They said,
"Sir, please decide to be our indra".
Citra said in reply,
"I do not entertain a desire for the ephemerals". (9)