"There's a great monk named Sakyaputra who is born in the Sakya line. I have accepted him as my preceptor and I have been initiated by him. He is my guide and I follow him".
"What are the principal teachings he
Asvajit - "I am only a recent entrant. So I cannot give you the details of his teachings. But I can surely give you a concise idea of them".
Sāriputta "Concise or detailed, abus, I don't mind. Tell me what you know about it. Even a brief account will serve my purpose. I am not interested in
Asvajit stated in brief the four fundamentals of his religion, (viz., misery, cause of misery, annihilation of misery and the way to liberation. In concluding his state
ment he said,
"Such are the teachings of the Mahāśramaṇa".
Immediately on hearing this, Sariputta acquired the pure, spiritual eye. As per his prior agreed, he rushed to Moggallana to convey to him the Truth he had obtained. Moggallana saw him from a distance. He was impressed by his calm demeanour, his restrained and slow pace, Suddently he said,
"Have you attained the Truth"?
Sariputta expressed himself in the affirmative. Moggallana enquired where he got it. Sariputta gave a complete account. Moggallana was especially delighted to hear it. He too had his pure spiritual eye opened. Both of them at once took a decision that they should go to the Buddha and accept him as their guide. They brought their decision to the notice of other 250 parivrājaka monks so that they would be able to take a decision about themselves.
All the parivrājaka monks hailed their decision and expressed their intention to follow them and take shelter with the great guide.