We have reached the above conclusion regarding the date of Buddha's Nirvāna solely on the basis of historical and mathematical methods. Hence it can be regarded as a 'self evident' fact. But, because it is being disclosed to the field of history for the first time, it will not be unnecessary to corroborate it by some other evidences which directly corroborate the above conclusion. They are as follows:
Tibetan Tradition
According to the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, the day on which Buddha was born, was also the birthday of the king Canda Pradyota (also known as Mahasena) of Avanti (235). The same tradition also records that Buddha's enlightenment and Pradyota's accession took place on the same day(236).
The king Pradyota is mentioned in all the three traditions - Buddhist, Jain and Puranic. According to the Puranas such as Vayu Prana (237), Matsya Purana (238), Bhagvat Purana (239), etc. and the famous literary works like Kathasar its agara(240), Svapanavasvadatta(241), Mrcchakatika(242) etc., and the Jain works like Avas yaka - Nir yukti - Dipika (243), Pradyota was succeeded by his son Palaka. Now, as we have already seen the king Palaka acceded to the throne of Avanti in the same night on which Mahavira passed away(244). Thus, it becomes clear that the king Pradyota was born on theday of Buddha's birth, he acceded to throne on the day of Buddha's enlightenment, and lastely, his reign ended on the day of Mahavira's Nirvana. The puranic chronology unequivocally ascribe 23 years to Pradyota's rule.
"Trayov imsat sa maraja bhav ita sa narotta mah" (245) that is "Best among men (Pradyota) will rule for 23 times (years)".
Thus, when Buddha attained the enlightenment at the age of 35, Pradyota became the king, and when Mahāvīra attained the Nirvāna at the age of 72, Pradyota's rule ended (246). Therefore, at the time of Pradyota's acces - sion, Mahavira must be 72-23 = 49 years old, and Buddha