The ancient chronicles and works of Jain tradition state that Mahāvira's Nirvana took place 470 years before the commencement of the Vikrama era (156). According to the unanimous opinion of historians, the Vikrama, era started in 57 B.C. (157). This clearly implies that Mahavira died in 57 +470 = 527 B.C.
The Saka Era
According to both the traditions of Jains - Svetambara and Digamba ra, the Saka era commenced 605 years and 5 months after Mahāyira's Nirvana (158). According to history, the Saka era started in 78 A.C. (159). Hence, the date of Mahāvira's Nirvana comes out to be 605-78 = 527
The Gupta Era
Dr. Vasudeva Upadhyaya, M. A., Ph. D. discussing about the Gupta era, writes in his famous historical work on Gupta period (160). "On the basis of the account given by some Jain writers of centuries prior to Alberuni, it is found that there is an interval of 241 years between the Saka and Gupta eras. One of these writers, Jinasena, who flourished in the 8th century A, D., states (161) that 6 05 years and 5 months after Mahāvira's Nirvāna, the Saka king flourished and 231 years after the Saka, Gupta's reign began, during which was born the Kalakiraja. Another Jain auther Gunabhadra writes in his work Uttara pur ana (162) (889 A.D.), that 1000 years after Mahavira's Nirvana, the Kalakiraja was born. The statements of Jinasena and Gunabhadra are seconded by a third writer, Nemicandra.
"Nemicandra writes in his work Trilokasara (163). "Sakaraja was born 605 years and five months after Mahāvira's Nirvana and Kalakiraja was born, 394 years 7 months, after the Saka era'. Thus, 605 years 5 months + 394 years 7 months, = 1000 years. In this way on the basis of these three Jain writers, the time of Sakaraja as well as that of Kalakiraja are ascertained. "In this way, after ascertaining the times of Saka and Kalaki on the basis of some Jain works, Dr. ,Vasudeva Upadhyaya has proceed ed further to find out the interval between the Saka era, and the Gupta era on the basis of Khoha inscription of king