Mango Grove of Cunda, the son of the silversmith. Then the Mallas, the natives of Pāvā, approached the Lord. They having approached and having greeted the Lord - 'Lord' A new and lofty assembly house ........ so far lived in it, Lord! the Lord is requested to use it as a dwelling place for the first time. The Mallas, the natives of Pāvā will use it as a dwelling place after the Lord has used it as a dwelling place. This will be for the advantage and happiness of the Mallas, the natives of Pava, for a long time'.
"The Lord accepted the invitation by keeping silence.
"Then, the Lord, having dressed of taking his bowl and robe, together with the Order of monks, went to the assembly-house. Having gone ....... sat down.
"Then the Lord, having addressed the Mallas, the natives of Pāvā, by a talk on dhamma ........ said. Vasistas ! The night of yours is over. Now do what seem: good to you',
"Well, Lord! .......... the Mallas after standing up from their seats and greeting, went away.
"Then, in a little while after Mallas had gone away, the Lord, having seen the Order of monks completely soundless, addressed Sariputta .......... 'Sariputta, the Order of monks is completely soundless, Sariputta, address the monks with a talk on dhamma; my back aches and I will stretch it'.
"The venerable Sariputta addressing the monks..... said: 'Nigantha Nataputta, your reverences, has just departed from life in Pāvā. After his death the Niganthas (i. e, the Jains) were divided in two groups. They making quarrels....... to be stayed in., But your reverences the dhamma (Doctrines) of our Lord is weil-meaning, well-founded, able to carry to the Nirvana (final emanicipation)" able to bring peace of mind, and expounded by the Enlighted One. Here, all should stay without controversy and dispute, so that this Order may endure for a long time, and this will be for the advantage and happiness of many..........'.