Story of Rama in Jain Literature
Nāra a noites th twins to obtan the glory and splendour of Rama and Laksana Sitā unhappy to fin son going to fight thor at ler The Kunāra, in
Si a 11 w gness arch a.ainst Ayodh à, and encamp wit: thur army on the river-bank. Rána sotsis army ready or war Bānandala is informed o this by Vārada He goes to Sitã and taking her with him visits the battlefield.
fight en ues. Rāma encounter Lavana, while Lakşmana Ankusā. [Fight of Lavana and fik śa (with Rāma and Laksmana respecti ely)]
The fight continus. Lakşmana is helples. Siddhartha and Va ada narrate to im the account of the twins. Rāma is visibly moved to lear the account They approch the twins who salute their elders. Seeing their union Sitā es nack to Panda ikapura. They all then enter Ayodhyā. [Unioa oi Lavana and Ankusi (with Rāma and Lakşmana]
Sugiiva and others request Rama to receive Sita back. He agrees on condition that Sila proves her innocence and purity before the eyes of the people Sugriva and others bring Sita to Ayodhyā. Rāma cannot stand her presence; he asks her to stand aside. She gives expression to her righteous indignation. Sitā has to pass through fire-ordeal to prove her purity.
Indra is told of this fire-ordeal by Harinagavesi. He asks him to assist Sita through her ordeal. He accordingly goes to Sita (Arrival of God Hariņaigameşin)
A pyre is erected and lighted and Sita paying homage to the Jinas and other dignitaries declares on oath that she is innoceot and pure and rushes into the flames. By virtue of her chastity the flames turn into water and Sitā is unscathed. Now that water rising in volume spreads everywhere; people are afraid and invoke Sita's help. At ter touch the waters become still as those ci a well. Räna apologizes to her and proposes to her to enjoy pleasures in his company. Si ā firmly declares her intention to become nun and tears out her hair. Räma faints. Sitā accepting the ascetic order approaches a Muni. Regaining his consciousness Råma goes in search of Sita, arrives in the presence of that Muni (Sakalabhūşına) where Sita was. Sakalabhūşana delivers a long sermon on Dharma. He predicts that after enjoying the glory of a Haladhara, one day Ráma too would attain perfect knowledge. (Ráma's listening to a religious discourse )
60 The name of this god is spelt sometimes as Harinagavesi (Pc. 3. 103) or Harregamesi
(Antagadacasão p. 12 ) or Harine avesi (v. 74) or occasiorally as Har nakesi (. 70). He is the god wh) commands the foot-soders of Sakra (Indra). The Sk. equivalent given for the Prakrit nane is 'Hariņaiga neşin'.