The Rāmāyana Version of Acārya Harisena
Svetāmbara Paūma-Cariya
Harişena's two Kathānakas
Digambara Uttara-Purāna
2. Padma is born of Rāmadeva is born of Kośalā, Rāma is born of Subalā,
Aparājitā, Lakşmaņa of Lakşmaņa of Sumitra.Bharata Lakşmaņa of Kaikeyi, Sumitrā, Bharata and of Kekaya and Satrughna of Bharata and Satrughna of Satrughna are born of Suprajā.
the two unnamed queens. Kaikeyi. 3. Bending the Vajrāvarta Janaka gave his daughter Janaka gave Sita to Rāma bow, Rāma wins Sitä. Sita in marriage to Rāma. in marriage as a reward for
his protection of the sacri
fice he had organised. 4. Kaikeyi demands the Kaikeyi demands the kingdom Rāmaand Laksmana vol
kingdom for Bharata by for Bharata and exile for untarily go to look after the way of fulfilling
Rāma and Lakşmana into kingdom of Vārāṇasi. the boon; Rāma volun- forest.
teers to go into exile. 5. Rāma and Lakşmaņa Rama directs Sūrpanakhā to Sūrpanakhā is sent, by
reject the amorous Lakşmaņa who mutilates her Rāvana, to Sitä as a Duti. advances of
nose and ears. Candraņakhā. 6. Lakşmana, assisted by Khara, Düşana and Trisiras No mention of this episode
Virādha, kills Khara- with their 14000 Rākşasas and Danďaka; Rāma etc., Düşana with his 14000 were killed by Rāmadeva in are at Citrakūta for sport. excellent warriors - the Dandaka forest.
in the Dandaka forest. 7. The incident of wondrous Ramadeva kills the wondrous Rāma pursues the golden deer - omitted.
deer ( Marica ).
deer which finally flies into
the sky. 8. At the hearing of 'Simha- Sită, by her bitter and While Räma was away in
nāda' Rāma leaves Sitā biting speech, forces pursuit of the deer, Rābehind (guarded by Laksmana to go away in aid vana disguised as Rāma Jatāyus) and goes to of Rāma. Rāvana, disguised abducts Sitä. Lakşmana's aid when as an ascetic, abducts Sitā.
Rāvana abducts Sitā. 9. Jatāyus is mortally No mention of this episode. No mention of this epiwounded by Rāvana, and
sode. Ratnajațin, deprived of his lore, when they
attempt to rescue Sītā. 10. Välin entrusts the Välin's episode omitted. After Anuman's two visits