The Rāmāyaṇa Version of Gunabhadra
Sata-griva Pancasat-grīva Pulastya
(m. to Meghaśri)
Dasanana Kumbhakarṇa Sürpanakha Vibhiṣaṇa.
6. Dasaratha was originally the ruler of Vārānasi; he shifted to Ayodhya only after the death of Sagara and his whole family.
7. Sitä, daughter of Ravana and Mandodari but was deserted by them, Janaka and his wife Vasudha bring up Sita "the foundling.
8. Janaka seeks help of Rama and Lakṣmana for successful termination of his sacrifice and gives a promise to offer Sita in marriage to Rama.
9. After the performance of Yaga, Janaka offers Sitä to Rama in marriage.
10. Ráma and Lakṣmaṇa with the permission of their father go to Varanasi, their original capital that was neglected. 11. At Narada's Instigation Rāvana falls in love with Sitá, sends Surpanakha to Sita as a Dūti, at Citrakuta where Rama etc., had gone for "Vanakriḍā'. Her mission fails; Rāvaṇa with Marica goes in his Puspaka car to Citrakūta.
12. Mărica assumes the form of a golden deer enchants Sitā, takes away Rama to a far off place, flies into the sky. Rāvana disguised as Rāma carries Sitä off in Puspaka vimana to Lanka.
13. It is through Dasaratha's letter that Rāma learns of Sità's abduction by
Sumali Ratnaśrāva
(m. to Kekasi)
Dasamukha Bhanukarna Candraṇakha Vibhisana
Pc. speaks of his rule over Ayodhya only.
Sită, daughter of Janaka and his wife Videha, born in a natural way - Sită and Bhamandala are twins.
Janaka seeks the help of Rama for driving out the Mlecchas; Janaka pleased at Rama's heroism in the fight, decides to offer Sită in marriage.
Rāma wins Sitä after bending the divine Vajravarta bow. In addition, we are told of the weddings of Lakṣmana and Bharata. Kaikeyl's demand for the kingdom of Ayodhya for Bharata; and the voluntary exile of Rama and party into the forest. As Candraṇakha's amorous advances were rejected, she incites Kharadûşaṇa to fight with Rama and party on the excuse of 'Sambūka-vadha' etc., Rāvana on getting the news goes in his Puspaka car to the scene of fight in the Dandaka forest and falls in love with Sītā at first sight.
Rāvana himself produces Sinhanäda, Rama goes away to Lakṣmana's help.. Ravana thereizes Sitä, mortally wounds Jatayus who comes to her rescue, and takes away Sitä to Lanka - in his Puspaka
It is through Ratnajațin that Sugriva comes to know of Sita's abduction by