The adaptability of Autumn to the army campaigns as given by Dhanapāla strikes true replica of the two verses of Kālidāsa who says
"Struck by jealousy by the ichor scented sprouts of the Saptacchada trees, his i.e. Raghu's tuskers shed forth ichor as if seven-fold. Rendering the rivulets shallow or fordable and the routes having mire getting dried, the Autumn impelled him on for a campaign, foremost as he was in point of power of counsel and might'.!
Dhanapāla has taken the group of Amātyas as the arms of the king without whose assistance he could hardly run the affairs of the state smoothly. He has mentioned the term mantrīmandala and amātyamandala alongwith Parişad who was supposed to act in harmony with the king or else there could be anarchy and chaos in the proper functioning of the whole body-politic. Apart from this he was supposed to maintain a huge treasury, keep his vassals under his control and keep his fort well-guarded. All this could be done if his council of ministers offered full co-ordination unto him in propping up the responsibilities of the state-administration (lit. burden of the earth.)
This amātyavarga, mantrīmandala, amātya-mandala etc. tallies with the ‘amātya parişad or mantrīparişad' of Kālidāsa" which was certainly an old institution known as RājakȚt in the Vedas and variantly popular as Ratnin in later days.
It has been discussed variously by the ancient authorities on the science of polity such as Kautilya,' Sukra, Samadeva.
भुजबलावलिप्तापिभूपालशिरःशेखर कुसुमशेखरनामानमवनिपालमुन्मूलयितुकामः कुण्डिनपुरात् कांचिमण्डलाभिमुख
HESTI TM Vol. II p. 193. 1. प्रसवै सप्तपर्णानां मदगन्धिभिराहताः। असूययेव तत्रागाः सप्तधैवप्रसुनुवः॥
fa: gaat eT: 421327 CHIERDIGM : 774 al Ragh. V. IV 23, 24. 2. उपार्जितप्रभूतकोशं वशीकृतसमस्तसामन्तमायत्तमन्त्रिमण्डलमुपगृहीतमित्रवर्गमाप्तपुरुषाधिष्ठितदुर्ग समग्रमपि
राज्यमाजन्मनः प्ररूढपरमसौहृदस्य हृदस्येवातिविश्वसनीयस्य बाहोरिव वसुन्धराभारवहनक्षमस्कन्धस्य W ynaftafequiifa utcai sitter fafcafa:grafai HEARafei TM Vol.
I p. 71. Also p. 403 Sm. ed. (mantrimandala) p. 268 Vol. II (amātyamandala). 3. TM Vol. I p. 71. Also p. 403 Sm. ed. (mantrimandala) p. 268 Vol. II (amātyamandala). 4. Mälavikāgnimitram Act V. p. 188 (M. R. Kale). 5. Kālidāsa Kā Bhārata part I p. 200. 6. KAŚ I 15.47-50 p. 20. R. P. Kangle Vol. I 7. Sukranītih II 70-31, 73-74 pp. 66-67. 8. Nītivākyāmsta X 71. p. 49