with the modern Chotaragpur (Mar. Pu, Tr. p. 329). Pundariyapura night probably be the capital of this country.
Pythoipura :-In due course Sītā gives birth to Lavana and Ankusa at Pondariyapura. Lavana marries the daughter of Vajrajangha and Ankuśa marries the daughter of king Prthu of Pṛthvipura (Puhaipura 98.4). It is unidentified.
(2) Place and People Conquered by Lavana & Ankusa.
After their marriage, Lavana and Ankuśa, make a war-campaign and bring about many countries under their snbjugation. Generally the countries denote the names of ancient peoples or tribes (98.57-68). They are not mentioned systematically in accordance with their geographical location. It is to be borne in mind that the author is mentioning the names of the ancient countries by his memory and so all of them are not to be always strictly regarded as existing during his time.
Both the brothers first conquer Alokanagara (Lokākṣanagara PCR, 101.69), and Abhyarnapura (PCR, 101.70). They are unidentified.
Further they conquer Lampāgadesa (Lampāka). The region of the Lampākas is identified with modern Lamghan, north-east of Kabul and south of the Hindukush in modern Kafiristan. (TAI, p. 152). Further they conquer the following peoples and places.
Vijayasthali Mahanagari (98.60) :-The Mar. Pu. (Tr. p. 411) mentions a town, Vijaya situated in Kamarupa i.e. west Assam. Proceeding further they cross the Ganges and go to the north of Kailasa. Kailasa is the modern Kailaśa mountain situated about 25 miles north of Manasarovara, in the country of Tibet (HGAI, p. 67). It is also named as Aṣṭāpada mountain (9.33;9.57). Further Lavana and Ankuśa are said to have conquered the following countries:
(Jhasakaṁvukuntasīhalapapanandapasalahamangalabhima bhūya ya vāmaņā vi ya jiya bahuvaiyādesā 98.62).
Mahabharata the Yakha and the Jhaşa & Kamvu:-In the Khambu tribes are called Kirātas1. The Jhasas and the Kamvus of the PCV are probably the above people.
Kunta: The Markandeyapurana (55.46) mentions Kunta as a hilly region. The Varangacarita (16.33) mentions the Kuntas along with the people of Kashmir. Thus their location falls near Kashmira. The
1. GESM, p. 84, see Marakandeyapurana, Tr. p. 322.