The greatest influence of the tradition of PCV is 'marked on the Padmapurāna, Adhyātma Rāmāyana, Ananda Rāmāyaṇa, Tulasi Rāmāyana and his other works, Seri Rama of Malaya and Rāmakiyen of Syāma. According to the largeness of the influence they can be arranged as Ananda Rāmāyana, Tulasī's works on Rama-story, Seri Rāma, Padmapurāna, Adhyatma Rāmāyana and Ramakiyen.
Generally such works have been influenced greatly which belong to a period later then the TSP of Hemacandra. He was a great poet and scholar. His TSP is composed in Sanskrit. Therefore, its popularity among the non-Jaina circle must have been wider than that of any other Prakrit work. Hence it is all the more probable that the tradition of PCV has influenced non-Jaina works through Hemacandra's TSP as far as the non-Jaina works composed not earlier than the 12th century A. D. are concerned and they are not small in number.