Rāma-bhakti became very popular with the sect of Ramānuja. The Rāma-Tapaniya Upanişad of the 19th century. A D. reveals this fact. Dr. Bulcke (p. 339) says that it is the first work which mentions that Rāvaņa abducted Sītā for his own emancipation. We find that the same idea is echoed in the above mentioned interpolated chapters of the Southern version of VR. Thus it becomes clear that these interpolations must be dated at least not before the 8th century A.D. The points of similarity between the PCV and the VR are striking. Hence, the influence of the PCV's tradition on the VR is quite certain. It shows that the PCV, as regards this point, has influenced both the Southern recension as well as the N-W. version,
Here we will like to add something more which has come to our light recently. Prof. GH Bhatt' mentions that there exists also a Western (comprising the territory ranging from Jodhpur to Broach) version of Vālmīki Rāmājana,. This is the third version of the Northern recension of VR, the other two being N-W. & N-E. He further states that there are portions in the N-W. version which are missing in the N-E. (Gaudiya) version but are found in the Southern recension as well as in the Western version. In such a case it may be probable that some points of Western version might have passed on to the Southern recension as well as to the North-Western version. We cannot say definitely about it untill the critical edition of complete VR is published and a critical examination of such common portions is thoroughly made. In case some points having similarity with our Paumacariyam are found in the western version, it can be presumed that the PCV has influenced the Western version and then from that version the respective points passed into the Southern recension and the N-W. version. Then it would be possible to assign a particular region to which our author belonged.
(d) Portions found exclusively in the Gaudiya version:
(a) PCV--Rāma sends Hanumán, Angada and Bhāmandala to Bharata for bringing the bath-water of Višalyā for curing Laksmana who was wounded by the Sakti hurled by Rāvana (64.1-20). Gaudiya (6.82)-Hanurnān while bringing the medicinal herb meets Bharata and holds a discussion with him (VRTP, 134 A).
(e) Portions found exclusively in the N-W version: (1) Disturbing of Rāvana's religious ritual and dragging of Mandodarī by Algada (PCV, 68.38; N-W. VR, 6.82; VRTP, 133).
1. See The Vālmīki Rāmāyana, Critical Edition, Vol. I Int. p. XXX.