68 Studies in Umāsvāti
Tātparya-vrtti of Jayasena: see Pravacanasāra. Tattvapradīpikā-vrtti of Amrtacandra: see Pravacanasāra. Tattvārtha(Raja) vārttika of Akalanka, ed. Mahendra Kumar Nyāyācārya, Varanasi. Tattvārthasara of Amrtacandra: with Hindi tr. by Bamshidhara Shāstrī, Gandhi Haribhai Devakaran Jain Granthamālā, 1919. Tattvārtha Sūtra (=TS) of Umāsvāti: (1) The sūtra text as found in (2) Sabhāsya-Tattvārthādhigamasūtram (=Bhāsya) edited by Khubchandji Siddhāntaśāstrī, śrīmad Rāja-chandra Jain Šāstramālā, Agas, 1932. Tattvārthaílokavārttikāankāra of Vidyānandi: Skt. text with Hindi tr. Manikchandji Kaundeya Nyāyācārya, Vol I, Ācārya Kunthusāgara Granthamālā, Solapur, 1949. Višesāvasyakabhāsya of Jinabhadragani with Koyāryavādigani's Vivarana, Part III, eds. Malvania and Doshi, L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, 1968. Williams, R.: Jaina Yoga: A Survey of the Mediaeval Śrāvakācāras, Oxford University Press, 1963. Yaśovijaya, Upādhyāya: Adhyātamamataparīksā, ed. with Guajarati tr. by Bhuvanabhānusuri, Babu Amichand Panalal Jain Derasar Trust, Bombay. No date. Zydenbos, R.J.: Moksa in Jainism, According ot Umāsvāti, Wiesbaden, 1983.