32 Studies in Umāsvāti
the topic of ingress (asrava), he has referred to the three types of activity by this term.21 And, he has also propounded that while a sa-yoga-kevalin may have yoga, it is not possible in the case of a a-yoga-kevalin, since in the case of the latter the vibrations in the regions of the activity-modified Self which depend on the three classes of body, speech and mind, in the case of the former, do not depend on them in the case of the latter.22
Vidyānandi-svāmi has elaborated on the topic of the connection of activity with reference to sayoga-kevalin, ayogakevalin, and siddhas, in his Tattvārtha-śloka-vārtika on this aphorism defining the term yoga. Thus, since soul is endowed with activity, it is but consequent that physical activity should arise. The physical type of activity is due to the vibrations of the Self dependent on regions connected with bodily aspects. The oral type of activity is due to those dependent on regions connected with oral aspects. The mental type of activity is due to those dependent on regions concerned with mental aspects. None of these type of activity is possible in the case of an ayogakevalin as also a siddha; and one in whose case such an activity is found naturally proves to be a sayoga-kevalin.23
Following Akalankadeva, the author of the Tattvārthaśloka-vārtika, too, justifies the definition of the term yoga as activity on the three levels of body, speech and mind, on the ground of the context of the discussion being that of ingress (āsrava).24 Further this yoga is called ingress (asrava) since it is the cause of the inward flow of activity into the soul.25
Now, let us see how Pt. Sukhlalji has incorporated these gradual clarifications and elaborations of Umāsväti's of definition of yoga. The activity of the form of vibration of the constituentunits of a soul which results in a kṣayopaśama or kṣaya of the vīryāntarāya-karma and which proceeds on the basis of pudgalas is called yoga. That yoga which proceeds on the basis of the pudgalas belonging to the physical groupings that go to constitute a body of the audarika type or the like is the yoga pertaining to the body. The vibrations of the constituent-units