174 Studies in Umāsväti
have gone to an extent of projecting KKA as a misogynist and that he would not touch the earth by his foot because this earth is personified as a woman.
The following vṛtta, composed in śārdūla-vikrīḍita metre, employing more Sanskrit and less Kannada words, figure in some Kannada charters [K.16. undated (c. eleventh Century.), p. 54; K. 62. AD 1031, pp.150-1; K. 52, AD 1050, p. 133; Citapur No. 38. AD 1099. Hunasihadagali (Gogi, H:1996: p. 230];
Sri-caritra-samṛddhi mikka vijayasri karmma-vicchitti pur vacaryoktame raja-niti yenisuttirdi tapo-rajyadim/ bhucakram besakayye sanda muni-brinda-dhisvarar Kondakun
dacaryar dhrta dhiryar aryateyin en acaryarol varyaro// 'KKA is equated to an emperor; his virtue is bounteous treasure, he is victorious vanquishing the enemies of karma, his royal conduct in following the path traversed by the early ascetics; thus the chief of the friars and nuns, the KKA is ruling the kingdom of penance (tapo-rajya) and the fourfold congregation is obeying his commandements. With this undaunted courage and venerable character, KKA has been supreme in the group of monks'. 3.2.1. Immediately after these lines, the name of GP is mentioned as the follower in the line (anvaya) of KKA. Though the above verse is not found in the SB inscriptions, the name of US follows after the name of KKA is SB inscriptions of No.156 (127) and 135 (117) etc. M.A. Dhaky has discussed in detail the material from inscriptions [Dhaky: 1996:50-3]
There is no uniformity in equating the nomen US and GP with KKA.
3.3.1. Some consider GP was a follower of KKA.