166 Studies in Umäsvāti
2. Prabhṛataka-traya: Kannada commentary on Samayasāra Pañcāstikāya and Pravacanasāra-prābhṛta-tātparya-vṛtti; based on the model of Jayasena's Sanskrit commentary: 3. Paramātma-prakāsike: a Kannada commentary on the Sanskrit work; but the authorship of this work is doubtful; Maladhāri Bālacandra, different from Adhyātmi Bālacandra, seems to be the real author.
4. Tattva-ratna-pradipike.
It should be said to the credit of Balacandradeva that the wellknown Gommaa-jina-stuti of Boppana-pandita was composed at the instance of him. Dāmanandi was the senior confriar of Adhyātmi Bālacandradeva [EC. (R) No. 73 (66). AD 1176, p. 76; ibid, No. 571 (v cp 150) AD 1181. p. 356; EC. VII (R) Nāgamangala No. 118 (IV Ng 70) AD 1178. pp. 120-21].
Bālacandradeva in Tattvaratna-pradipike has followed Pujyapāda's Sarvārthasiddhi more closely than Divakaranandi, but in the Kannada narrative style and in epitomization he has imitated the pattern of Divākaraṇandi. Bālacandradeva is more elaborate than Divākaraṇandi. Both Bālacandradeva and Divakaranandi quote more Prakrit gāthās than Sanskrit verses; there are some common gāthās and slokas between these two Kannada glosses but such common verses are very few. e.g.; 1. The following Sanskrit sloka is found in both the works - pramāṇa-naya-nikṣepairyorthān nābhisamikṣate/
yuktam cayuktavad bhāti tasyāyuktam ca yuktavat// 2. The following Prakrit gāthā is common
lāntava-kappe terasa accudakappe ya honti bāvīsā/ uvarima ekkattīsam evaṁ savvāṇi chāvahī//
Bālacandradeva does not blindly follow his predecessors. He profusely quotes from Gommaasāra, Trilokasāra of Nemicandra Siddhantacandra (AD 983) and from Dravya-sangraha.