4 Studies in Umāsvāti because Umāsvāti, as his extant works as well as the citations from his lost compositions indicate, had written exclusively in Sanskrit.13 The following two citations, from two different medieval commentaries, very plausibly were taken from the Śrāvakaprajñapti since the content in both these cases relate to śrāvaka and, what is more, the authors of the commentaries attribute these to Umāsvāti. The Navānga-vrttikāra Abhayadeva Sūri (of Candra kula), in his Tīkā (c. AD 1080) on the Pañcāśaka of the aforementioned Haribhadra Sūri, ascribes the following sentence to Umāsvāti:14
Umāsvāti-Vācakenāpy-asya samarthitvā na tathā-hi tenôktam: Samyag darśana-sampannaḥ sadvidha-āvaśyaka-niratasca śrāvako bhavati. The phrasing here undoubtedly is in Umāsvāti's style. Also, Municandra Sūri (of Brhad-gaccha), in his Tīkā (c. AD 1100) on the Dharmabindu of the illustrious Haribhadra Sūri, explicitly mentions Umāsvāti's Śrāvakaprajñapti and quotes therefrom:15 Umāsvāti-viracita-Śrāvakaprajñaptau tu atithiśabdena sādhv-ādyāś-ca catvāro grhitāḥ tatas-teșāṁ saṁvibhāgaḥ kārya ity uktam/ Tathā ca tat-pāhaḥ: Atithi-samvibhāgo nāma atithayaḥ sādhavaḥ sādhvyaḥ śrāvakān śrāvikāś-eteșu grham-upāgateşu bhaktyābhyutthāna-āsana-dāna-pāda-pramārjana-namaskārādibhir-ar-cayitvā yathā vibhava-sakti anna-pāna-vastrauşadha-ālaya-ādi-pradānena samvibhāgaḥ kārya iti/
The work is today unavailable. It apparently was composed in prose.
The Dānaprakaraņa The earlier mentioned Abhayadeva Sūri, in his commentary (AD 1064) on the Sthānānga-sūtra (present version finalized in