112 Studies in Umäsväti
also possible in a person at the stage of complete self-restraint with suppressed passion and at the stage of complete selfrestraint with eliminated passions. The first two varieties of white meditation belong to the one conversant with the early scriptures]. But the last two varieties of the white meditation belong to the one who is omniscient. The white meditation is again categorized into four, such as, multiple contemplation (pṛthaktva vitarka), unitary contemplation (ekatva vitarka), subtle infallible physical activity (sūkṣmakriyāpratipāti) and irreversible stillness of the soul (vyuparatakriyānivṛtti).
Reference to the meditation has been found in the Sthānāmgasūtra, specially and partly in the Samavāyāmgasūtra. In the fourth hāṇam of the Sthānāmgasūtra, meditation is defined in the following way:
Meditation is of four kinds: attejhāṇe, roddejhāne, dhammejhāne and sukkejhāne.
Attajhāṇa has again four categories, such as, employed with the contact of one which is not charming (amamunna sampaoga sampautte), employed with the contact of one which is charming (manunna sampaoga sampautte), employed with the contact of meditation upon disease (ātaṁka sampaoga sampautte) and employed with the contact of desire and enjoyment which are served (parijuṣitakāmabhoga sampaoga sampautte). The characteristic features of attajjhāṇa are lamenting (kamdanatā), feeling sorrow (soyaṇatā), weeping with tears (tippaṇatā) and to cry before every one (paridevanatā).
Roddajjhana is known of four types, such as, injurious thought activity (himsānubandhī), liar (mosānubandhi), thinking of stealing (teṇāṇubandhi) and eager for protecting worldly objects (sārakkhāṇubandhi). The characteristic features of roddajjhāṇa are of four types, those are-faint heart (osanna dose), sin due to false scripture (anṇāṇa dose), (bahu dose) and sin without repentance till death (amaramta dose).