96 Studies in Umāsvāti Anuyogadvāra but the writers of logical works in Sanskrit right from Samantabhadra-Siddhasena upto Acārya Yaśovijaya do not make any mention of these anuyogadvāras. Ācarya Umāsvāti, of course, mention these anuyogadvāras in two sūtras (1.7 and 1.8) and his commentators also deal with these at some length.
These anuyogadvāras are, in fact, points regarding which investigation should be made with reference to any philosophical matter. These points of investigation are very significant and helpful in clarifying a concept to a very large extent. Had the Jaina logicians discussed and utilised these in their discussion Jaina Philosophy would have been much more enriched. In fact, the non-Jaina systems could have also utilised these to their benifit. Unfortunately this was not done.
The Three Traditions Though these anuyogadvāras have been enumerated in two sūtras (1.7 and 1.8) of Tattvārthasūtra, we shall, however, deal with 1.7 only because of the reason that the list given in 1.8 is found identically similar in all the Digambara and Śvetāmbara sources. It is only with the list given in 1.7 that we find variations.
The chart given below shows these variations:
Tattvārthasūtra 1.7
Dhavalā 1/1.1.1/18/34
Anuyogadvāra 13.713 & Višesāvaśyakabhāsya 973-974 also 1484-5
1. nirdesa
1. kim
2. svāmi 3. sādhana 4. adhikarana 5. sthiti 6. vidhāna
2. kassa 3. keņa 4. kattha 5. kevaciram 6. kadividhau
1. uddese 2. niddese 3. niggame 4. khetta 5. kāla 6. purise 7. kāraņa