Note.--Infinite knowing, infinite seeing, infinite happiness, infinite power, etc., are the real,
natural attributes of the Atman, but owing to the bondage of Dravya Karmas (atoms of matter) and bhaya Kar.nas (love and hatred, etc.), they are not found in the Samsâri Juva (worldly soul) ; therefore the consciousness of the soul is said to have been depopulated of them. Hence to populate the depopulated is to bring them into full manifestation. The Yogi who evolves out these Shuddha Gunas (pure attributes) is said to populate the exiled. Similarly, love, hatred and other passions and dusires "which are found in the Samsari Jiva, are described as those who are psopling the field of consciousness; hence the Yogi who destroys them is said to depopulate the
292. O Master! Pray give me such advice as may speedily destroy Moha (attachment or infatuation) and make the mind steady. What purpose can be served by gods, etc.? NOTE.-Iere Prabhakara Bhatta, the disciple, asks his Guru, Yogindracharya, to give him such
instruction as will soon destroy Moha, because this Moha is a great obstruction in obtaining Moksha. Prâbhakara Bhatta says that as gods, etc., cannot give Moksha or Parmatma-Swarupa, they will not serve our purpose, and as Moksha can be obtained by the destruction of Moha, such an instruction as will soon destroy Moha is the
293. Moha is soon destroyed, and the mind made steady, by that meditation in which the breath which issues from the nose begins to issue from th
enth door or hole of the body which is situated in the palate and is equal to one-eighth part of an hair.
294. When a man lives in his pure self (that is, becomez absorbed in the meditation of his pure Atman), his Moha is extirpated, his mind is killed (becomes steady), and breath stopped (that is, his breath issuing from the nostrils begins to issue from the palatal hole at intervals). Such a one gets Kewala Jñana (fuil and pure knowledge) and goes unto Nirvana.
295. One who in his mind thinks of Atman as equal, like âkâsha, to Lokaloka, has his Moha soon destroyed and attains to the Parama-Pâda (highest status).
NOTE.-As Akása, although containing all other objects within itself, is Bhinna (distinct
from other objects) and is pervading Loka (the universe) and Aloka (the region of space beyond the universe), so is the case with Atman (sonl). Âtman in ite real Si Abhava, that is, as Parmatman, is pure and distinct from all other substances, and as it comprehends all objects by its inherent Jnana, it may be said to be all pervading.
It is the contemplation of the Atman as such which immediately destroys Moha.
296. O master! I have wasted my time in vain, and have not known the Âtman possessing infinite attributes and powers dwelling in my own body; I have lot adopted Âkâsa-like Samabhâva (tranquillity).