(278 - 285
278. What a wonderful thing is the body of man? In appearance, it looks very beautiful, but if its skin be taken off, it will look very loathsome; fire reduces it to ashes at once.
NOTE.-The meaning is that man's body proves very excellent if one utilizes it in performing
Dharmic acts and Tapa (asceticism), ctc. ; otherwise it is not a fit object for being attached to.
279. Washing the body, applying oil and cosmetics, etc., to it, and nourishing it with relishable food, -all these are useless; just as it is sinful to help a man of evil motive.
NOTE.--Here it does not mean that the body should not be fed at all; for Dharmic purposes
it has no doubt to be fed, but it is useless to feed and decorate the body for the sake of sensual pleasures. Immoderate and excessive regard for the body to the neglect of the soul, is to be condemned. It should be fed and looked after only to help the development of the soul, not to impede it.
280. As a vessel of flth, with holes in it, always passes filth through those holes, so does the body ever pass filth and urine through its holes,-how should such a body be loved ?
281. Karmas, being enemies of Jiva (soul), have collected the material of pain and sirs and impurity and made a body for it.
Note.--As the body is full of disease and impurities, such as filth, urine, etc., and of such
substances as conduce to the commission of sin, the Karmas which are the causes of the formation of the body are described as the enemy of the Jiva. The meaning is that as the body is a store-house of pain, impurities and sins, it ought not to be loved.
282. O wise soul! Be ashamed of loving such a loathsome body; why dost thou take delight in it; give up its attachment and perform Dharma to purify thy self.
283. Renounce the attachment of thy body; it is not good; thy Jñana-Maee Âtman is Bhinna (distinct) from this body; seek for that very Âtman in thy self.
284. Saints knowing the body to be the cause of pain, give up its attachment. How can the wise love that which does not conduce to Paramâ-Sukha (bliss of Moksha).
285. O soul : Be contented in the Ati-Indriya Sukha (happiness independent of senses produced by Atmic Svâbhâva (pure nature of soul) without