Which proves something positive (non-availability of the contradictory)
Non-availability of the effect contradictory to probandum
This man is extremely sick because we do not find the activities of a man free from sickness.
[Here cause is the non-availability of 'the activities of a man free from sickness' which is the effect contradictory to the probandum 'extreme sickness'.]
Non-availability of the cause contradictory to probandum e.g. Here is trouble because the desired object is not available.
[Here the cause is the non-availability of the desired object which is the contradictory to the probandum 'trouble'.]
By giving
Non-availability of the nature contradictory to the probandum
Non-availability of the determinant concomitant contradictory to the probadum
e.g. Here is shade because
The objects are multisided because the nature of one-sidedness is not found. heat is not available. [Here the cause is [Here the cause is the non-availability the non-availability of 'nature of one-sid- of 'heat' which is a edness' which is a determinant conconature contradictory mitant-contradictory to to the probandum the probandum 'multi-sidedness'.] 'shade'.]
Non-availability of the concomitant contradictory to the probandum
e.g. Here is false knowledge because right attitude is not available. [Here the cause is the non-availability of 'right attitude' which is contradictory concomitant to the probandum 'false knowledge'.]