224/2. The law preached by the Lord of shramanas has no regard to this world or the following. How then could there be in this law a separate linga [According to the Tatparya-vrtti. this gatha contains a purva-paksha (opponent's view). Linga is explained as savarana-chihnam, or concealed token consisting of clothing) for women?
224/3. Decidedly no attrinment of [liberation] (siddhi) by women in their present existence is agreed. Therefore for women there is a separate linga (The second gatha contains the parihara (refutation). Linga is explained as pravarana-sahitam chihnam, a token provided with an upper garment.) suitable to their case.
224/4. The mental-mood (vrtti) of women consists by nature in heedlessness (pramaad); and so they are called “women” (pramada): therefore these pramadis are described as full of heedlessness.
224/5. Infatuation, aversion, fear, disgust and various kinds of deceit (maya) are unavoidable in the minds of women: for them, therefore, there is no nirvana (liberation in that very birth].
224/6. In the world of living beings no woman is free from even one of those (faults or shortcomings); nor is their body well covered: therefore they wear a covering.
224/7. There is necessarily found in them melting of (sexual urge in] the mind, unsteadiness, the menstrual loss of blood and sudden origination of tiny men (subtle human organisms]. [These “tiny men,” says the Tatparya-vrtti are not seen even by subtle perception (sukshmalabdhi-aparyapta).]
224/8. In the womb, between the breasts, in the navel and loins or armpit this subtle origination (of human organisims) is said to take place. How could they be fit for self-control?
224/9. Although she is pure in conviction and even occupied with the study of the sutras (Suttajjhayanena, paraphrased in the Tatparyavrtti by ekadashanga-sutradhyayanena, “the reading of the eleven Angas and the Sutras”: Outline of Jainism by J.L. Jaini p. 135, etc.) or practises a severe course of conduct, for a woman no falling-away or shedding of (complete) karmic-matter (nirjara) is preached (prescribed).
224/10. Therefore a corresponding external-token (consisting of clothing) is prescribed for them by the Jinas. The nuns (shramani), distinguished by family (kula), appearance (rupa) and time of life, i.e. age (vayas), follow such and such a rule of conduct (samachara).