infant and the boy.
As concerns matter, although we have seen that, considered as a substance, it is devoid of infinitesimal-spacial-units, since it only covers one infinitesimal-spacial-unit, yet it has origination of infinitesimalspacial-units owing to its innate nature of being capable of an evolution into viscid (snigdha) and rough (ruksha) qualities of such a kind that they are the cause of the origination of two infinitesimal-spacial-units, etc. So then, in the case of matter, we must infer a possession-ofinfinitesimal-spacial-units numerable, namely two, etc., innumerable and infinite, because through modification it can have a plurality of infinitesimal-spacial-units.
Now he ascertains the absence of infinitesimal-spacial-units in the time-atom (kalanu):
II.46. The moment (samaya) lacks infinitesimal-spacial-units; it occurs (vartate), while a material-substance (dravya-jata, i.e. atom; cf. note 68) which covers only one infinitesimal-spacial-unit or spacepoint traverses an infinitesimal-unit of the space-substance. (138)
The time-moment lacks infinitesimal-spacial-units, because it covers, as a substance, only one infinitesimal-spacial-unit. And it does not, as is the case with matter, through modification have several infinitesimal-spacial-units; for though it is innumerable substance of infinitesimal-spacial-units stretched in a continuous expanse, yet, since these do not commingle, it remains with the extent of only a spacialunit, occupying the space-units one by one, and its only occurring is while an ultimate (material-) atom traverses, with slow movement, the one space-particle in which this (particular time-stream) inheres."
Now he makes known the substance and modification of the timeobject (kala-padartha):
II.47. A moment (samaya) is what is equal to the movement of (an ultimate material-atom) traversing a spatial particle. The object (artha) which is before and after that (moment) is time. The moment is subject to origination (utpanna) and annihilation. (139)
When an ultimate (material-) atom with slow motion passes thrcugh the spacial particle which is pervaded by a time-object measuring one particle in extension, then that moment (samaya), a minute occurrence of that time-object, and equal to the duration (parimana) of that passing through that one particle, is a modification of the time-object. Therefore that object (artha) (artha = padartha = everything that exists